Schools and Homeschools
Whether learning STEM at schools or being homeschooled, Boon-dah is here to support children ages 5-10, to learn solve real-world problems through stories.
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Teacher Reviews
Very creative and engaging!
Mrs. Monika A. Smith
Elementary STEM and PE teacher
Highlands Christian Academy
Pompano Beach, FL
My students loved the book and activity. I found it much easier to teach them since we have the book to go along with it and show the students what each part was and how it is used.
Ms. Brielle Carabetta
STEAM Teacher, Grades 2-5
Millstone Township Elementary, NJ
My students enjoyed following the story and learning how to create the motorized propeller.
Ms. Misty Burgueño
3rd Grade ELD Teacher
Lynn Urquides Elementary
Teacher Tech Liason
Tucson, AZ
...full of scientific ideas that are quite sophisticated and would go along well with an electricity unit even in an older classroom...thumbs up.
Ms. Elizaberh Vroom - Teacher
National Science Teaching Association (NSTA)